최고로 좋은 부부관계를 갖는 15가지 비결

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최고로 좋은 부부관계를 갖는 15가지 비결

According to Gary Chapman, the five ways to express and experience love that Chapman calls “love languages “사랑의 언어 5가지” are:

  1. 긍정적인 발언 및 격려 (words of affirmation)

  2. 소중한 시간 공유하기 (quality time)’

  3. 상대방을 위한 헌신 (acts of service (devotion))

  4. 신체적 접촉 (physical touch)

  5. 선물(Receiving gifts)

When asked to share three qualities of primary relationship which they felt were most enhancing to continued growth in love,

the population of this study responded that the most essential qualities were (in order):

  1. Communication 대화와 의사소통

  2. Affection 애정

  3. Compassion/Forgiveness 동정과 사랑/ 용서

  4. Honesty 진실

  5. Acceptance 수용

11 Dependability 독립

  1. Sense of humor 유머

  2. Romance 로맨스

  3. Patient 인내

  4. Freedom 자유

From Loving Each other by Leo Buscaglia

Edited by Dr. John

Sangwon Lee