Smoking prevention and smoking cessation

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Smoking prevention and smoking cessation

Overview of Smoking Prevention and Smoking cessation

 Photo  6-3. Smoking is very harmful. 

Prevent children and adolescents from starting smoking.

Copyright 2012 John Sangwon Lee, MD., FAAP

15% of the middle school students in the US and 34.5% of high school students smoked, and more than half of them wanted to stop smoking.

In addition, a study found that it was difficult to stop smoking even though they have tried to stop smoking any more.

Tobacco is white and harmful, and nicotine ingredients  in tobacco is a highly addictive, habit-forming substance.

Even if you chew tobacco, bloom, or smoke cigarettes, you will be addicted.

It is not easy to quit smoking once you are addicted to smoking.

Smoking is extremely harmful to the person who smokes, as well as to others around him.

When you breathe in cigarette smoke, it can irritate your eyes, nose, mouth, pharynx, and entire low airways, which can cause tingling. Smoking sometimes makes dizzy and coughing and chronic bronchitis.

The incidence of lung cancer in smokers is more than 10 times that of lung cancer in non-smokers, the incidence of heart disease is much higher, and the incidence of chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma is higher.

If pregnant women smoke, the fetal mortality rate is higher, the birth rate of prematurity and low birth weight is higher.

The person next to the person who smokes is almost as unhealthy as the person who smokes.

Smoking during pregnancy is very harmful not only to the pregnant woman herself but also to the fetus.

Pregnant women should never smoke and should not be near smokers.

Smokers are not popular with people, and the reality is that they smoke in hiding.

Smoking was not allowed in public places nowadays in most countries.

The price of smoking is expensive, which also causes economic problems.

It is common for most smoking adults to start smoking from puberty.

Some adults start smoking after reaching adulthood.

Before adolescent children start smoking, we, both mothers and fathers as well as teachers and society must do our best to prevent starting smoking during childhood and adolescence.

Unfortunately, some countries neglect children and adolescents who smoke on the street.

There are several ways to stop smoking.

The fact that you’ve been smoking is harmful to you, that it hurts others, and it hurts you or your family.

Therefore, the ideal way to stop smoking is to stop smoking suddenly after making a decision not to smoke any more.

But the truth is, quitting smoking this way is not that easy.

There are a number of medications that treat smokers to stop smoking and becoming addicted to nicotine.

These drugs can only be bought by a doctor’s prescription to stop smoking.

The cost of smoking cessation drugs used to stop smoking is considerable.

Smoking cessation drugs can be divided into four types as follows.

Then let’s find out about it. 

1, Nicotine transdermal systems 

Some of these anti-smoking drugs include Habitrol, Nicoderm, and Nicotrol. These types of smoking cessation drugs are applied to the skin. 

  1. Nicotine polacriles chewing gum

Smoking cessation drugs in this category contain Nicorette. This type of smoking cessation drug is chewed. 

  1. Nicotine nasal spray 

Smoking cessation drugs in this category include Nicotrol nasal spray and Nicotrol Inhalation. These types of smoking cessation drugs are sprayed into the nasal passages or inhaled directly into the airways. 

  1. Non-nicotine products

Smoking cessation drugs in this category do not contain Nicotine.

Smoking cessation drugs, such as Bupropion and Zyban, belong to a type of tranquilizer.

Take it orally and use it.

  1. In order to stop smoking, there are acupuncture treatments other than drugs and psychological treatments.

There is still no research literature on the effectiveness of acupuncture or psychophysiological therapy when adolescents are treated to stop smoking.

Parents should educate their children not to start smoking through home smoking education.

It is necessary to continue education from elementary school to high school so as not to start smoking through school health education.

If possible, give annual training and receive treatment if you find children who already smoke.

Pediatricians educate school-age children and adolescents that smoking is bad for the human body through regular pediatric health check-ups and participate in basic pediatric health education and treatment so that if there are children who smoke, they no longer smoke.

There will be good results in reducing the smoking rate among youth.

The authors, as pediatrician provided training to stop smoking, sex education, and drug use prevention education through regular health check-ups for children and adolescents. Health insurance companies should meet compensation for pediatric adolescents and childhood disease prevention education. (Refer to pediatric and adolescent health examination record sheet)

Smoking is harmful to the health of the people around him and incurs enormous wealth loss in solving health problems caused by smoking.

Preventive education should be actively given to children and adolescents to prevent smoking at the national level.

What does not comply with national policy is drug abuse by children and adolescents.

From elementary school to middle and high school, it is necessary to educate about smoking is bad for health, and to provide thorough smoking prevention education.

Studies show that 42% of adolescent children who smoke have been counseled by doctors to stop smoking. 

FDA-Mandated Warnings for Cigarette Packages, 2011 (FDA-Mandated Warnings for Cigarette Packages.) as followings

  • Tobacco is an addictive substance (WARNING: Cigarettes are addictive.)
  • Cigarette smoke is harmful to children. (WARNING: Tobacco smoke can harm your children.)
  • Tobacco causes fatal lung disease. (WARNING: Cigarettes cause fatal lung disease.)
  • Cigarettes cause cancer
  • Tobacco can cause heart disease and strokes.  (WARNING: Cigarettes cause strokes and heart disease.)
  • Smoking during pregnancy is harmful to babies. (WARNING: Smoking during pregnancy can harm your baby.)
  • Cigarettes can kill you. (WARNING: Smoking can kill you.)
  • Tobacco is the cause of fatal lung disease in non-smokers.
  • Quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious risks to your health Source: FDA